
Five Things God Wants To Do For You

Five Things God Wants To Do For You — By Kenneth E. Hagin

Is there something you want God to do for you? According to His Word, there are several things God wants to do for you—good things that we …


Love: The High Road

Love: The High Road — By Lynette Hagin

“Love . . . is patient and kind. . . . Love (God’s love in us) . . . is ever ready to believe the best of every person.”
—1 Corinthians 13:4–5, …


The Double Cure

The Double Cure — By Kenneth E. Hagin

Our redemption in Christ is twofold. Jesus not only died for our sins on the Cross of Calvary, His blood was also shed so you and I might live free from sickness …


Prayer: Our Spiritual Oxygen

Prayer: Our Spiritual Oxygen — By Lynette Hagin

Prayer is our spiritual oxygen, and just as oxygen is vital to our natural life, so prayer is vital to our spiritual life. We need to pray regularly and continually in order …


Healing: A Forever Settled Subject

Healing: A Forever Settled Subject — By Kenneth W. Hagin

One of the paramount questions believers ask today is not whether God is able to heal, but whether He is willing to heal. Is it always God’s will to heal? …


Our Authority In Christ

Our Authority In Christ — By Kenneth E. Hagin

God has provided a glorious inheritance for all believers. Our inheritance includes dominion over all the works of darkness, including sin, sickness, disease, and spiritual death.

But for us to take …


What To Do When You Want To Quit

What To Do When You Want To Quit — By Kenneth W. Hagin

One of the most important lessons to learn in life is to stay where God has called you—especially when everything inside you wants to quit. God will …


The Power of Words

The Power of Words — By Lynette Hagin

“The Lord will guide you always; he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be Like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters …


The Key To the Supernatural

The Key To The Supernatural — By Kenneth W. Hagin

The Lord Has shown me that the key to the last day move of the supernatural power of God will be found in two words: unity and accord.

According to …


Forget Not!

Forget Not! — By Kenneth W. Hagin

When you meditate on all of God’s promises and establish them deep in your heart, you will begin to reap those blessings as you walk according to God’s Word. In fact, the blessings …